Tuesday 10 April 2012

Kekalahan Pakatan Selepas BERSIH 3suku

Haprak Pakatan sedar mereka akan kalah pada PRU13 nanti. Mereka akan menuduh kekalahan mereka berpunca daripada pilihanraya yang tidak bersih. Ingatlah walau ramai mana pun yang turun ke himpunan haram ini,ia tidak melambangkan suara majoriti. Rakyat memerhatikan dengan jelik politik gampangan haprak pakatan. Mereka akan dihukum pada PRU13 nanti.




Clean & Fair?

" we are united against rioting,vandalism and looting.No one from our community should get invovled in violence" So stay away from Bersih 3.0 - A.Samad Said.

"They were not in a war fighting for God,they were just having fun.This fun distracts Muslims from worshipping God"

" If we look at this situation trough the prism of Koran,These people's act cannot be called a good thing.They are considered fallen,mentally ill,and insane"

"its a manifestation of the absence of behavioral culture in society and an indication of insanity and moral decline"

"Undoubtedly this is used as a presssure tactic against the goverment and it is an action that is imported into the Muslim lands"

Thus ,defence of the country is the supreme duty of a good citizen

By supporting and working with the police our community should maintain the peace.
Pisau kata "haprak pakatan dah tau nak kalah PRU13 sebab tu terpaksa turun berdemo"

Sumber : Pisau.net

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